About 25 Land Trust staff and volunteers and Earth Corp and Ducks Unlimited members came out to the pretty Cumberland Creek Conservation Area to plant a LOT of bare-root conifers and shrubs - going into an area, recently cleaned of blackberry, to create a lot more diverse habitat for al sorts of wild things.  We worked about where the "X" is - quite a hike to get there!
Cumberland Creek Tree and Shrub Planting
March 07,  2020

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It works like this:  Get a shrub with bare roots from the bag.  Dig a hole much wider than the roots and deep as they are.
Put the shrub in the hole and spread out the roots.  Fill hole with dirt - packed tight enough so shrub is firm.  Wait now for shrub to leaf out so you can see it!
It was a very muddy walk in places and this old log and cuttings reminded us that the path gets new blockages every winter and needs regular maintenance.